Most of the time, when there is joint pain, many people do not realize that it is a vata defect. A 35-year-old woman was coming to my multispeciality hospital for treatment of her mother’s cystitis. When some questions were asked, it was noticed that the woman also had gout. Her small joints were aching and swollen.
If you look at it as a case study, today’s article is about arthritis and rheumatism in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda says that many people have these questions.
- What is rheumatism?
Rheumatism diseases are provocative and some are also autoimmune condition refers to several medical conditions which harm joints, osseins, cartilage, muscles, ligaments.
- Does Ayurveda take a long time to cure rheumatism?
No cure exists. but the standard treatment, which you have to continue forever
- Do I have to follow a lot of diets while treating rheumatism?
including lots of fruit, vegetables, pasta, fish, and white meat, while avoiding too much sugary, fatty food. It is important not to be overweight since too much weight can put an extra burden on strained or damaged joints.
- Can I get rheumatism again after treatment?
There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis
- How exactly does rheumatism occur in the body?
when your immune system strikes the synovium — the lining of the layers that surround your joints
- I have one type of rheumatoid arthritis now. Can it be converted to another type or can it be added?
Many symptoms of RA are related to those of a diversity of different diseases, diagnosis can be tough. Accurate analysis needs clinical evaluation, X-rays, and a series of laboratory tests. Recognizing the type of RA you have will support you and your doctor decide on a direction of treatment.
The answer to all this is given in Ayurveda in a very simple and easy way.
When there is pain or swelling in any part of the body, it is easy to notice that there is an increase in air and that is why this change takes place in the body.
Only painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are given when we take treatment in allopathic. The effect of which is well known to all.
I would like to clarify a concept for all of us. Depending on your age, your body has different defects. Childhood is more prone to sputum defects. Takes.
You have never been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in your childhood, or even if you have, you may have some Heridatory issues or congenital anomalies.
Now let’s see what causes the body to grow –
According to Ayurveda, many reasons have been given and adherence to daily routine and menstruation has also been stated so that the vaat does not increase. And if these rules are not followed, the vaat will grow in the body and cause disorders.
- Excessive travel
- Excessive exercise
- By being hungry, by awakening
- Excessive blabbering, extra noise
- Emphasis on defecation
- Due to cold weather, eating too much air
- Maternity care is mainly described for the fact that after delivery, that is, after the delivery, the vagina grows normally, and as we have seen, most of the vaginal diseases occur to women only after delivery because they do not take care of what should be taken care of. (Now we will discuss how to take care of it. .)
There are many reasons for the increase in rheumatism, not all of which can be explained here, but you may have an idea of the symptoms of rheumatism.
One more thing I would like to say is that it takes many days for something to form anew in the body, just as defects do not grow in the body in a single day, they grow in the body to a certain degree, in the same way, disorders are formed at a very slow pace. The disorder develops out of completeness and complications occur as the disorder progresses.
That is why once your body develops rheumatism, you need a diet to get rid of it and you also need regular treatment.
Therefore, patients with rheumatism need to take Ayurvedic treatment with patience. And it is also necessary to do Panchakarma from time to time.
According to the above patient, she completed the treatment regularly and they had to pay for the treatment for a full eight months.
The point is that when you take Ayurvedic treatment for any rheumatic disease, it is very important to take treatment patiently and follow the diet.
Now, what is the treatment in Ayurveda for rheumatism?
In Ayurveda, Panchakarma, Basti treatment is also prescribed for rheumatism. Basti medicine is considered to be the perfect medicine in Ayurveda and about four and a half hundred types of it are also described. Rheumatoid arthritis has never been treated with the same treatment, which is why it is the perfect treatment and can be taken at any time of the year.