In our last article, we explained what PCOS is. It’s important not just to read this article, but to internalize its contents. As an author with a medical background, my greatest satisfaction comes from knowing the information provided is beneficial and applicable to you.
PCOD: A Lifestyle Disease
So PCOD is just a lifestyle disease and it is very important to change your diet and habits.
Incorporating Exercise and Yoga
The inclusion of exercise in the vihara as well as sun salutation, and pranayama is useful. There is a method of doing sun salutation, the number of sun salutations we wear should increase every day so if we wear five sun salutations today, we should do at least five or more tomorrow. The order should increase and never decrease.
Recommended Pranayama Techniques
Pranayama should include Anulom Vilom, Bhasarika, Kapalbhati.
Beneficial Yoga Asanas
Exercises like Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, and Sarvangasana in the air that will put pressure on your abdomen in yoga asanas have a very good and quick effect.
Dietary Recommendations
The diet should include more light foods. Foods that contain protein should be eaten in a certain amount. Proteins are hard to digest, and although they are the most useful, they are harmful even if they are in excess, and they are harmful even if they are in moderation. Therefore, it should be determined by looking at your body and digestion.
Easy-to-Digest Foods
Raw foods like salads and cereals are hard to digest and all fruits and vegetables like okra, squash, and pumpkin are easy to digest and are considered digestible in Ayurveda.
Meal Timing
Once the heaviness persists after a meal, there should be a proper gap between the two meals, meaning that the second meal should not go into the stomach until the morning meal is digested.
The Role of Male Hormones in PCOD
One of the most important changes in PCOD is the increase in male hormones in the female body. Maybe it’s because of today’s changed lifestyle. This is because the number of PCOS cases has increased over the next twenty years.
Physical Activity and PCOS
Cases of PCOS are still rare among women who work hard.